Category Archives: ABOUT US

NGO MT- Motivation Technologies

The aim of NGO Motivation Technologies is  to find ways, methods and technologies how to motivate people who are involved in  education and leadership processes.

Members of association believe that motivation is the base of all processes in society. If person does not have motivation, all performed activities by this person will be non-quality and superficially. The main objectives are to find ways and methods:

• how to motivate students to be active, to participate in processes of society, to plan their career (education, work) and be active citizens;

• How to activate and motivate education leaders and all level teachers and people who are involved in education process. Unmotivated school leaders usually are the reason of unmotivated pedagogues and pedagogues often are reason of reduction of students’ motivation.

Association are trying to achieve their aims and objectives by involving motivated and qualified members, by participating in different kind of projects which supports association aims and objectives.

Association is with high level of motivation to enhance education. The board member of association has 14 years’ experience in different areas of education connected with education and career guidance.