All posts by motivate

Biedrības “MT-Motivēšanas tehnoloģijas” valdes locekle Vivita Ponciusa piedalās apmācībās Gruzijā

No 2017.gada 26.septembra līdz 30.septembrim biedrības “MT-Motivēšanas tehnoloģijas”valdes locekle Vivita Ponciusa piedalījās Salto-Youth organizētajās apmācībās Gruzijā “Mobility Taster”. Apmācību laikā dalībnieki tika iepazīstināti ar Erasmus+ jauniešu apmaiņas un brīvprātīga darba iespējām Eiropā. Apmācībās piedalījās 19 valstu pārstāvji no visas Eiropas. Šobrīd sadarbībā ar Sociālās intergācijas valsts aģentūras studentu pašpārvaldi notiek darbs pie jauniešu apmaiņas projekta, kura mērķis ir jauniešu ar invaliditāti sociālā iekļaušana. Apmācības sniedza unikālu iespēju satikt organizācijas, kuru mēŗku grupa ir jaunieši ar invaliditāti un kuras ir motivētas turpmākai sadarbībai. Pēc kursu noslēguma, biedrība jau uzņēma Rafnu Haralduru Rafnssonu no Islandes ar kuru tika nodibināti kontakti tieši apmācību laikā.
Biedrības valdes locekle aicina biedrības biedrus, kurim nepieciešami sadarbības partneri jaunatnes jomā rakstīt uz e-pastu, iespējams, mūsu biedrība Jums varēs palīdzēt!
Paldies Jaunatnes starptautisko programmu aģentūrai par atbalstu un atsaucību!
Apmācību programma pieejama ŠEIT.





Career Guidance in Adult Education

On 1st October 2015 NGO Motivation Technologies together with the partners from Iceland, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden will start new project in adult education Career Guidance in Adult Education. The aim of the project is to create  adult guidance program to increase self-dependency and to develop skills and competences which are necessary for adults to plan their professional life and to overcome challenges of modern citizenship.

Vilnius Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė Adult Education Centre

Vilnius Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė Adult Education Centre (hereinafter called as Education Centre) was founded in  1994 by the model of the Danish FYN‘S County schools. In 1998, the institution was named after Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė, a famous writer and public figure associated with educational activities. In 1926, she opened the first adult evening courses.

The motto of Education Centre is as follows: “It is never too late to learn”.

Since its foundation, Education Centre provides primary, basic and secondary education and subject-specific (modular) knowledge for adults of Vilnius and the surrounding areas.

Currently it is possible:

  • to get primary, basic and secondary education;
  • to learn subject-specific modules (foreign languages, information technology, sewing, knitting, felting, silk painting, embroidery, dancing, therapeutic gymnastics, self defence, etc.).

Training (learning) forms:

  • Formal (evening shift),
  • Non-formal.

Training (learning) methods:

  • Consistent,
  • Modular.

Education Center is equipped with modern technologies; non-traditional active teaching methods are used during learning process. Teachers constantly increase their qualifications participating in national and international seminars. We constantly communicate with project partners from different European countries.

Education Centre is necessary for adults who seek new skills and knowledge required for professional career and life.  LT_logo

Career Guidance in Adult Education

On 1st October 2015 NGO Motivation Technologies together with the partners from Iceland, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden will start new project in adult education Career Guidance in Adult Education. The aim of the project is to create  adult guidance program to increase self-dependency and to develop skills and competences which are necessary for adults to plan their professional life and to overcome challenges of modern citizenship.